Thursday, November 03, 2005


The activities about recording our songs are temporarily stopped, due to exams at our university. The process will continue as of December 1st.

2 out of 13 songs for two weeks is a good result, anyway...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

We're finally recording stuff...

Last Saturday we started our third attempt to finally record at least one song. It was decided that "Slain by a Black Rose" would be the first one, because it was the first song we wrote for Kimera, back in January 2003.

Opposite from the earlier attepmts for recording (somewhere in Summer 2003 and Fall 2004), this time we had absolutely NO PROBLEMS from either technical or musical reasons. As expected, the Augur first played his part, then on Sunday the Goldsmith filled in with the solo and additional rythm guitars. Next Sunday the Child of Chaos will do the keyboards, and VinteRaven will be last for the bass.

We hope that it all turns out right, and we can move off to the second song, "Behind the Wall of Glass"...

That's all.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

OK, briefly and clearly:

Kimera is a metal band formed in 1999 by a group of 15 year olds. Now we're 21 and still keeping the same dream. Many people have been a part of it, many of them have woke up and substituted Kimera with their harsh reality.
Don't ask us the sub-genre of our metal. Sure, there's a lot of noise and screaming, but also some clean deep Byzantian singing and female choirs. All in all, the contemplative melodies and veracious deep lyrics completely reflect the emotional states that we're in.

The dreamers are:

the Augur - guitars
the Child of Chaos - keyboards
the VinteRaven - bass
the Goldsmith - guitars

We hope that soon you'll be able to percept our creations... Until then - let the metal flow through your veins! _|..| |..|_